New Issue of Enlightened Philanthropy’s Newsletter!

I hope you had a great summer! I certainly did. It was a summer full of travel. Two conferences took me to Disneyland and Colorado. See below for the wrap-up on Youth Philanthropy Connect and the Purposeful Planning Collaboration Rendezvous. I was pleased to be asked to present at both meetings, especially as a first-time attendee in both cases.

The highlight of the summer, however, was a trip to Nicaragua to make a dream come true. For years I have wanted to volunteer to save endangered sea turtles. Thanks to SEE Turtles, a nonprofit that promotes conservation tourism, I WON my dream trip! In August, I spent two weeks working with the Eastern Pacific Hawksbill Initiative and Paso Pacifico to protect hawksbill and green sea turtles. It was an incredible experience! Stay tuned to the blog for more on this chance of a lifetime. You can even sign up to receive an email when each blog is posted.

And, keep your eye on your inbox in early October for a special announcement from Enlightened Philanthropy!

Deborah Goldstein


Do You Know a Place Like This?

Welcome to Youth Philanthropy Connect!Imagine a place in which all youth were compassionate, empathetic, and giving. Where they engage in giving wholeheartedly with their families. And are excited to learn about how they can give more of themselves in a way that aligns with their values and interests. Where they make statements like “I don’t know any different” when talking about their philanthropy.

To find out more about what this place is like…

To hear more youth voices on their relationship with philanthropy…

Stay tuned to the blog for interviews with youth philanthropists in the coming months.

An Equally Enriching Place, for a Different Crowd

Graphic Recording of Authenticity Presentation at Rendezvous

AUTHENTICITY=simultaneously living at the edges and in the center. It’s a rare occurrence that a conference opens with a discussion of authenticity. Well, a business conference that is. While some may have been squirming in their seats, I actually found it refreshing and intriguing. How might this concept apply to my business? How does it apply to my interactions with clients? How does this apply to me, in this moment, sitting at my first Purposeful Planning Collaboration Rendezvous in Broomfield, Colorado?

Keep reading to find the answers…

Resource Highlight – Raising Financially Fit Kids, by Joline Godfrey

Raising Financially Fit Kids

A study released last week says 9 out of 10 youth between the ages of 8 and 19 make charitable gifts. Another key finding: “talking to children about charity has a greater impact on their giving than role modeling alone.” Yet, talking about money remains one of the most difficult subjects parents can raise with their children. Thank goodness for Joline Godfrey’s revised edition of Raising Financially Fit Kids! This completely updated version includes financial education guidance for 5-18 year olds and now twenty-somethings as well. She presents a clearly laid-out framework of Ten Basic Money Skills, with numerous suggestions at each developmental stage, to engage your kids in a financial education that will prepare them to be “self-confident kids who have the tools to realize their dreams.” If you’re struggling with how to talk with your kids about money and finances, this is the book for you. And yet, the book is about so much more than money. There’s even a short chapter on raising young philanthropists. Start your conversation today!